Is There Such A Thing As A Doctorate Without A Dissertation?

Doctorate without Dissertation Writing: Tricks to Arrange It Successfully

This is a strange topic because it is not possible. No matter where you get your doctorate, whether it be online or on campus, you will have to write some kind of long project. That I can tell you how to do successfully, so lets concentrate on that. I’m going to give you five strategies from DissertationTeam blog for writing your dissertation or thesis that will help you push through, especially if you are a challenged writer or student who is feeling like the dissertation is the last thing you could ever write.

Perhaps you went into your doctorate saying to yourself, “I’ll worry about the dissertation later, and, suddenly, the dissertation is NOW. So what do you do. I am here to save the day. I am here to give you fool proof solutions to your problem. Your task before you is to trust this doctorate received student who has been through every single day of the hell of writing a dissertation and I can tell you first hand how to succeed no matter how unskilled you are at writing. As long as you are skilled at research, you can win this fight.

  1. Research like crazy
  2. Research like crazy. The more research you collect, the less you have to actually say yourself, in your own opinion. The more you fill up your dissertation with long quotes and paraphrases, or even better yet, experiments, graphs, tables, tabulated results, etc, the less you actually have to write.

  3. Master the art of the quote and the block quote
  4. Instead of mastering how to write, which is very challenging and time consuming, like it takes years and years for most writers to master writing, master something simple like how to quote effectively. Also, what you will need to know more than anything is how to block quote effectively. Block quotes are huge blocks of quotes introduced by a signal phrase in your words such as “As Smith notes of his recent study on the effects of the internet upon information absorption in primary education level students “ huge block quote” (citation). Is one way you could fill up nearly two pages of text.

    The rule on block quotes is they are any quote over forty words but there is no limit on how long they can be.

  5. Order a sample on your own topic.
  6. Use this as a guide for how to do everything.
