Looking For Assistance With Doctoral Dissertation Writing

Who can assist you with the dissertation writing process?

The writing of your dissertation is the culmination, in most degrees, of your time of study; it represents a very large part of the energy and commitment that you have invested in research of your topic. That make is a pretty important piece of work! This also means that it is probably a good idea to have some professional guidance when coming to write it. This is perfectly legitimate; if you were writing a book, or a magazine article, then that would involve numerous editors and readers. Why should a dissertation receive any less attention? So, who can help?


The best way to get some perspective on your proposed dissertation is to speak to other students who are also writing in the same discipline; they will be able to share their experiences, and may make you aware of some conventions or tips that you have overlooked. Of course, they are not likely to actually write your dissertation, but research and advice is an essential part of any writing process.


The obvious point of contact when you are producing and extended piece of academic writing is your assigned supervisor. Again, this position is more one of advising, but your supervisor is a kind of collaborator, in that they will make suggestions for things that you should/must include in your writing.

Online Writing Agencies

Another very useful service is an online academic writing service. Of course, there are various possibilities with these: you can tell them the outline, and pay them to produce the actual work (which is perhaps not ideal), or, you can provide the majority of the material and can ask them to fill in any gaps, and to add any references or sources that they feel appropriate. This can be a useful service, because they often have access to subject experts.

Online Proofreading and Editing Services

Also, if you are not happy with having the work written for you, in any degree, then you can, and probably should in many cases, write the work and simply employ a professional academic proof-reader and editor to go over the document and standardize some of the elements.

The dissertation, at the end of the day, is your academic research work. Therefore where possible, you should really do the actual writing yourself. If this is not possible, or not entirely possible, then consider some of the above approaches.
