Writing An Undergraduate Dissertation Proposal From Scratch

How To Write An Undergraduate Dissertation Proposal: A Quick Guide

When you are writing an undergraduate dissertation proposal, there are many things you need to make sure you include.

Title Page

This is where you include the relevant title of your work, and any other information such as your name or academic institution. Refer to your particular academic institution for the format requirements here.


This is a single paragraph that summarizes your introduction, your statement of the problem, your background to the study, your research questions, your methods, and your procedures.


This is where you provide an overview of the issues and the background leading to your problem statement.

Statement of the Problem

This is where you state the problem that you are going to address, where you identify the purpose of your study. You want to show how your study will help your field or advance the knowledge that exists in your field.

Background of the Study

This is the literature review/background area where you introduce all of the relevant studies that have been completed on this subject, which relate to your study. This can include a theoretical ground for your study or a broad background for your study. You want to be able to show that you have a link between the knowledge which exists and studies which have been done to your study.

Research Questions

This is where you list the questions you are going to answer and how they relate to your statement of the problem and background section.

Methods and Procedures

This is where you indicate what type of study you are going to perform, how you are going to study, what information you are going to use, how you are going to get that information, how you will ensure the integrity of your project, what techniques you are going to use. It also covers why the data and information you are using is appropriate in answering your research questions and, perhaps most importantly, what techniques you are going to use to analyze your data and how that will help you answer your research questions. You want to include here the instruments and procedures you will use to gather data.


This is where you address any weaknesses or shortcomings that your research might endure and what impact that might have on your findings.


This is where you cite all of the studies that you included in your proposal.
