How To Write An Introduction For Your PhD Thesis

Writing an Introduction Chapter of a PhD Thesis

Once you have chosen a subject for your thesis, you must start with an introduction to enagage the reader and give pertinent information about the content of your dissertation. These first few sentences will set the tone for how you reader will approach the thesis and should be clear, concise and to the point. Inform the reader of how your topic will be addressed using a few of these simple tips.

Start with a general statement regarding the topic and then direct attention toward your specific goal. Catch attention and then work into the substance of the following pages with a fluid style that easily leads the reader into the significance of your work.

Address the issues which will be explored throughout your thesis and the process you will employ to implement solutions. Remember that this is a thesis and your introduction will be revisited in your conclusion, so be precise and make sure you can support your idea through facts, data and research.

State your topic as researched by alternative methods. What have you found to be lacking in previous studies? What would you like to improve or expound upon? Make sure to clearly define how your thesis will advance your specific field or topic and why this may be important to future research.

Once you have addressed the thesis statement, you should focus on the methods or means you will use in applying these ideas throughout your research. Remember to understand and fully incorporate the course you intend to take while examining your thesis. A clearly defined and researched understanding will keep you from flip-flopping between ideas and allow you to lay down your thesis in a clear and fluid structure.

Your introduction should demonstrate the key elements of the following thesis. Remember that this is not a list so do not give a point by point but rather a simple description of your idea. When done correctly, your final sentence of the introduction should lead flawlessly into the body of your dissertation and should connect cohesively to the rest of your text. Have someone proofread and check your introduction for any errors and to ensure that the main points are properly highlighted. Lastly, keep in mind that, as the first thing your reader will encounter, your introduction needs to be appealing as well as informative. Good luck and go write!